David Tracy has taught a wide variety of courses in contemporary theology. He has offered classes in philosophical, systematic, and constructive theology and hermeneutics, and courses dealing with issues and persons in religion and modern thought. His publications include The Analogical Imagination: Christian Theology and the Culture of Pluralism and On Naming the Present: Reflections on God, Hermeneutics, and Church. Professor Tracy is currently writing a book on God.
“Religion in the Public Realm: Public Theology,” published as “Religion im öffentlichen Bereich: Öffentliche Theologie,” in Dialog: Systematische Theologie und Religionssoziologie, Quaestiones disputatae Series, 258, eds. Hans Gruber, Ansgar Kreutzer, and Andreas Telser (Herder-Verlag, 2013-14?), 189-207.
“Religion in the Public Realm: Three Forms of Publicness,” in Barbieri, William A. Jr. (Hrsg.), At the Limits of the Secular. Reflections on Faith and Public Life, Grand Rapids/MI – Cambridge/U.K. 2014, 29–50
“Three Kinds of Publicness in Public Theology,” (Paper given as “Meditative Thinking; Prophetic Acts” for SCE Ethics Workshop Panel, April 25, 2013) International Journal of Public Theology 8/3, 2014, 330–334.
“Simone Weil: le masque et la personne,” (Institut Catholique de Paris, Oct. 23, 2009) in Christian Platonism: Simone Weil, ed. Emmanuel Gabellieri et François L’Yvonnet, Les Cahiers de l’Herne, 2014, 301-306
“A Hermeneutic of Orthodoxy,” Concilium issue on Orthodoxy, Felix Wilfred et al, eds., April 2014/2 (German edition of Concilium)
“The Other of Dialectic and Dialogue” in Dynamics of Difference: Christianity and Alterity: Festschrift for Werner Jeanrond, eds. James Matarazzo and Ulrich Schmiedel. T&T Clark, 2014, 105-113
“Horrors and Horror: the Response of Tragedy,” Social Research International Quarterly Vol. 81, No. 4 (Winter 2014), 739-767
“Paul Ricœur: Hermeneutics and the Dialectics of Forms, in Ingolf U. Dalferth and Marlene A. Block, eds., Hermeneutics and the Philosophy of Religion. The Legacy of Paul Ricœur, Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, 2013 Conference (Tübingen, 2015), 11–34
“D’une métaphysique de l’Infini à une théologie trinitaire infinie” (“Religion, Culture et Société,” Chaire de métaphysique, Étienne Gilson 2014-15, Institut Catholique de Paris, March 11, 2015) in Métaphysique et christianisme, Presses universitaires de France, forthcoming November, 2015
“Augustine Our Contemporary: Two Ways, Two Selfs in Augustine” in Augustine Our Contemporary: Essays on Augustine and the Self, eds. Susan Schreiner and Willemien Otten (forthcoming, Notre Dame Press, 2015 or 2016)
“Martin Luther’s Deus Theologicus, (Ecumenical Luther Conference, Wabash College, Aug. 11-13) forthcoming in Petyr Malysz and Derek Nelson, eds., Luther Refracted: The Reformer’s Ecumenical Legacy (Fortress 2015)
“Theology and the Dialogical Turn of Contemporary Thought: Theology as Potentially Infinite Hermeneutics of an Actual Infinite God,” published as Die Theologie und die dialogische Wende im zeitgenössischen Denken. Theologie als potentiell unendliche Hermeneutik eines aktual Unendlichen Gottes, in: Gruber, Franz/Kreutzer, Ansgar/Telser, Andreas (Hrsg.), Verstehen und Verdachtin Kritischer und/versus hermeneutischer Theologie (Linz, Austria, Sept. 17-19, 2014) 2015 [publisher? pages?]
“God as Infinite: Ethical Implications” (University of Chicago conference “God: Theological Accounts and Ethical Possibilities, April 11, 2014), ed. Myriam Renaud and Joshua Daniels (U. of Chicago, forthcoming, 2015 or 2016)