Robert B. PIppin
Robert B. Pippin Office: Foster 307 Office hours: Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:30 Phone: (773) 702-5453 Email
Evelyn Stefansson Nef Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought, the Department of Philosophy, and the College




1130 East 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637


Robert Pippin works primarily on the modern German philosophical tradition, with a concentration on Kant and Hegel. In addition he has published on issues in theories of modernity, political philosophy, theories of self-consciousness, the nature of conceptual change, and the problem of freedom. He has a number of interdisciplinary interests, especially those that involve the relation between philosophy and literature and has published a book on Henry James and articles on Proust, modern art, and contemporary film, including books on Hollywood Westerns and political philosophy, film noir and the problem of fatalism, and Hitchcock’s philosophical ambitions. His latest book is Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in Hegel’s Science of Logic, and a collection of his essays on film and philosophy, Filmed Thought: Cinema as Reflective Form, will be published in late Autumn, 2019. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the German National Academy of Sciences, and in 2019-20 is a Guggenheim Fellow. He has been Chair of the Committee for twenty-five years.


Selected Publications


Kant's Theory of Form: An Essay on the 'Critique of Pure Reason' (1982)

Hegel's Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness (1989)

Modernism as a Philosophical Problem: On the Dissatisfactions of European High Culture (1991);

Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations (1997);

Henry James and Modern Moral Life (2000);

The Persistance of Subjectivity (2005); 

Die Verwirklichung der Freiheit (2005);

Hegel’s Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life (2008)

Hollywood Westerns and American Myth: The Importance of Howard Hawks and John Ford for Political Philosophy (2010)

Nietzsche, Psychology, First Philosophy ( 2010) (Translation and expansion of

Nietzsche, moraliste français: La conception Nietzscheenne d'une philosophie psychologique [2006])

Hegel on Self-Consciousness. Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit (2011)

Fatalism in American Film Noir: Some Cinematic Philosophy (2012) 

Introductions to Nietzsche,  ed.  (2012) 

Kunst als Philosophie. Hegel und die Philosophie der modernen Bildkunst (2012)

After  the  Beautiful.  Hegel  and  the  Philosophy  of  Pictorial  Modernism  (2013)

Interanimations:  Receiving  Modern  German  Philosophy  (2015)

Die Aktualität des Deutschen Idealismus (2016)

The Philosophical Hitchcock: Vertigo and the Anxieties of Unknowingness (2017); Spanish translation, 2018:  Hitchcock filósofo : "Vértigo" y las ansiedades del desconocimient

Hegel’s ‘Realm of Shadows’: Logic as Metaphysics in The Science of Logic (2018)

Nicholas Ray y la politica de la vida emocional (2019)

Filmed Thought. Cinema as Reflective Form (forthcoming late 2019)


"What Is the Question For Which Hegel's 'Theory of Recognition' is the Answer?" European Journal of Philosophy, vol. 8 no. 2 (2000).

"What Was Abstract Art? (From the Point of View of Hegel)," Critical Inquiryvol. 29, No.1 (2002).

"Authenticity in Painting: On Michael Fried's Art History," Critical Inquiry, vol. 31, no. 3 (2005).

"Brandom's Hegel," European Journal of Philosophy, vol. 13, no. 3 (2006).

“Concept  and  Intuition:  On  Distinguishability  and  Separability,” in Hegel-Studien (40) (2005).

"On  Becoming  Who  One  Is:  Proust's  Problematic  Selves,"  in Philosophical Romanticism,  edited  by  N.  Kompridis.  (London:  Routledge,  2006).  

“Mine  and  Thine?  The  Kantian  State,”  in The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy,  ed.  Paul  Guyer  (Cambridge:  Cambridge  University  Press,  2006). Translated  as  “Lo  mio  y  lo  tuyo.  El  Estado  kantiano,”  Anuario Filosofico.  Vol. XXXVII/3  (2004).

“Necessary  Conditions  for  the  Possibility  of  What Isn’t: Heidegger  on  Failed Meaning,”  in  Transcendental Heidegger,  ed.  Stephen  Crowell  and  Jell  Malpas. Stanford  University  Press,  2007)  

“How to Overcome  Oneself:  Nietzsche  on  Freedom,” in  Nietzsche on Freedom and Autonomy,  ed.  Ken  Gemes  and  Simon  May  (Oxford:  Oxford  University  Press,  2009)

“The Absence of Aesthetics  in  Hegel’s  Aesthetics,” in  The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth Century Philosophy,  ed.  F.  Beiser  (Cambridge:  Cambridge University  Press, 2008)