The Department’s Colloquium Series, usually held on Thursdays at 3:30 pm during the academic year, features innovative researchers representing the breadth of the Psychology faculty’s interests.
Marylyn C. Grabosky Lecture in Psychology and Neuroscience
Thursday, November 7, 3:30pm at the Rubenstein Forum, Friedman Hall.
Laura D. Lewis, MIT
Imaging the causes and consequences of sleep in the brain
Cognition Workshop: Alternate Wednesdays during the academic year. Consult Cognition Workshop to sign up for announcements.
Developmental Brown Bag: Mondays during the academic year. Attendance required for Developmental area PhD students and faculty; others by invitation.
Social Talk Series: Tuesday afternoons during the academic year. Workshops are open to faculty and students associated with the Social Psychology program.
Mind and Biology Seminar: twice a quarter talks hosted by the Institute for Mind and Biology; open to IMB faculty and fellows.